Dongjin’s paper was accepted in the Journal of Optics.
Dongjin’s paper was accepted in the Journal of Optics.
Dr. Park’s new paper was accepted to be published at Applied Sciences.
A paper, titled as “Rotationally symmetric colorization of metal surfaces through omnidirectional femtosecond laser-induced periodic surface structures,” has been published to Optics Communications.
A paper, titled as “Large on-chip Brillouin net amplification in silicon-based nano-photonics,” has been published to AIP Advances.
QNP 실험실이 안전관리 우수연구실로 승인되었습니다. 축하합니다.
A paper, titled as “Tailorable and Broadband On-Chip Optical Power Splitter,” has been accepted to be published to Applied Sciences.
A paper titled “Fabrication method for ultra-long optical micro/nano-fibers” was published in the Current Applied Physics journal. Congrats!
Our latest work titled “One-step fabrication of bi- and quad-directional femtosecond laser-induced periodic surface structures on metal with a depolarizer” was published in Applied Surface Science. Congrats!!!
Our latest work titled “Photon-pair source working in a silicon-based detector wavelength range using tapered micro/nanofibers” was published in Optics Letters. Congrats!!!