Author: heedeukshin
Published in Optics Letters
Our latest work titled “Photon-pair source working in a silicon-based detector wavelength range using tapered micro/nanofibers” was published in Optics Letters. Congrats!!!
Published in New Journal of Physics
Our latest work titled “Observation of photon-pair generation in the normal group-velocity-dispersion regime with slight detuning from the pump wavelength” was published in New Journal of Physics. Congrats!!!
Internship student
Bastien Cozian from France joins the group as an internship student. He will be at Pohang during this summer season. Welcome!!!
Patent at the Korean IP office
Patent number: 10-1844987
넓은 파장 영역에서 분배 비율의 조절이 가능한 실리콘 칩 타입의 광 분배기
Chang-Lim prize (창림상)
Best Poster Awards
New group member
Sebae Park joined the group, studying orbital angular momentum QKD. Welcome.
New group member
Kiwon Kwon joined the group, studying photonic integrated circuits. Welcome.
SURF students
There are three summer research fellowship (SURF) students in our group.
최규승, 한상민, 양종인. Welcome!