The 12th International Conference on Advanced Materials and DevicesICAMD 2021December 6~10
Category: Uncategorized
Accepted in Nano Letters
Hyeongpin’s paper was accepted in Nano Letters.
Accepted in Physical Review Letters
Sebae and Dongjin’s paper was accepted in PRL.
Accepted in Journal of Optics
Dongjin’s paper was accepted in the Journal of Optics.
Publication in Applied Sciences
Dr. Park’s new paper was accepted to be published at Applied Sciences.
Publication in Optics Communications
A paper, titled as “Rotationally symmetric colorization of metal surfaces through omnidirectional femtosecond laser-induced periodic surface structures,” has been published to Optics Communications.
Publication in AIP Advances
A paper, titled as “Large on-chip Brillouin net amplification in silicon-based nano-photonics,” has been published to AIP Advances.
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Accepted paper in Applied Sciences
A paper, titled as “Tailorable and Broadband On-Chip Optical Power Splitter,” has been accepted to be published to Applied Sciences.
Accepted in Current Applied Physics
A paper titled “Fabrication method for ultra-long optical micro/nano-fibers” was published in the Current Applied Physics journal. Congrats!